Moscow, October 24, 2023 – Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest on Sunday evening, according to a statement posted on the General SVR Telegram channel. The channel, known for its critical views of Putin and frequent claims about his health, has suggested that recent public appearances by the Russian leader have been carried out by body doubles.
The statement from General SVR alleges that medical professionals had to resuscitate Putin before transferring him to a specialized intensive care facility located within his official residence.
“Doctors performed resuscitation, having previously determined that the president was in cardiac arrest,” the channel reported. “Help was provided on time, the heart was started, and Putin regained consciousness.”
As of now, there has been no immediate response from the Kremlin to address these claims. It’s worth noting that Russian officials have consistently denied reports of Putin’s health issues in the past.
Vladimir Putin, 71, has been a dominant figure in Russian politics for many years, serving as president, prime minister, and in various other influential roles. The uncertainty and speculation surrounding his health have raised questions about the stability of Russia’s political landscape. This situation is sure to garner international attention and scrutiny as more information emerges.