Today i.e. on 17.09.2024, a short while ago, Sri Barun Kumar Jena, Revenue Inspector (RI), Sadar Circle, Dhenkanal along with Sri Balaram Sahu, (Private Person posing himself as Additional Peon of the RI office) has been apprehended by Odisha Vigilance at the office of RI *for demand and acceptance of bribe of Rs. 30,000/- ( Rupees Thirty Thousand) from a Complainant for submission of favourable enquiry report in a mutation case for conversion of agricultural land to homestead land and issuance of ROR ( Land Patta) in his favour*. Both the accused persons were trapped by team of Odisha Vigilance, while Sri Jena, RI receiving the demanded bribe Rs.30,000/- from the complt. and transferring the same to Sri Sahu (Private Person) to keep the bribe money in Dickey of Motor Cycle of Sri Sahu. The entire bribe money has been recovered from their possession and seized.
Following the successful trap, simultaneous searches are going on at two locations of Sri Jena, RI from DA angle.
In this connection, Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 26/2024 U/s-7PC Amendment Act, 2018 has been registered against both the accused persons Sri Jena, RI and Sri Sahu, Private Person. Detailed report follows.