In a surprising event, Poonam Pandey’s team said on Friday that she passed away from cervical cancer at 32. They shared this on her Instagram, and many people were sad about it.
But, on Saturday, Poonam herself posted videos saying she’s not dead. This made a lot of people angry and confused.
People on social media, especially Twitter and Instagram, are now talking a lot about this. Many are saying Poonam did this to get attention. Some even guessed it was a trick from the beginning.
Even famous people, including Poonam’s friends, are not happy with her. One person, Kusha Kapila, said there must be a team behind this idea, and it was not a good thing to do.
So, now Poonam Pandey is facing criticism from the public and people in the entertainment industry. This whole situation makes us think about what is okay and not okay when it comes to getting attention.