In a concerning incident on Wednesday, a significant security breach unfolded in the Lok Sabha as two individuals managed to enter the Lower House, marking the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attack. The intrusion led to the adjournment of the House as security personnel swiftly apprehended the intruders.
The identities of three out of the four individuals involved in the security breach have been revealed. The Lok Sabha intruder has been identified as Sagar Sharma, while the identity of the second intruder is yet to be disclosed. Additionally, two individuals who were part of the protest with smoke canisters outside Parliament have been identified as 42-year-old Neelam from Haryana and 25-year-old Amol Shinde from Maharashtra.
A video captured the moment when Lok Sabha MPs surrounded one of the intruders after breaching security and entering the Lower House. The two men who entered the Lok Sabha opened canisters emitting yellow-colored smoke, while two other individuals were apprehended outside the Parliament complex. Lawmakers present at the scene reported that the intruders were chanting slogans during the incident.
The security breach raises concerns about the safety protocols in place, especially given the historical significance of the date. The swift response from security personnel and the identification of those involved will likely be subjects of further investigation. The incident serves as a reminder of the constant need for vigilance and security enhancements to safeguard the sanctity of parliamentary proceedings.